Education Outfitters :: Blog

This blog will give you the up-to-the-minute changes that we make to our website as well as new features that we add to continue to make your back-to-school shopping as convenient as possible.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Registration Days

Perhaps you live in a school district such as Brighton or Jefferson County R-1 that requires all students to register at their local elementary school early in August. In addition to filling out the necessary paperwork, these registration days are opportunities where you may obtain information about the upcoming school year. Education Outfitters will be present at the following registration days for you to pick up the school supply kits that you have ordered. During this time, we will have additional supply kits for sale filled with all the necessary items your child needs for school. Our kits are custom created per grade according to your child's school supply list. Remember, if you have already purchased a kit from Education Outfitters, they will be available for you to pick up on registration day. If you haven't ordered a kit, why fight the crowds and stand in line? We offer outstanding value and unforgettable convenience! We hope to see you there!

Education Outfitters will be present at the following Registration Days:

Campbell Elementary 6500 Oak Street, Arvada, CO 80004 August 10th

Crown Pointe Academy 7281 Irving Street, Westminster, CO 80030 August 9th-10th

Second Creek 9950 Laredo Drive, Commerce City, CO 80022 August 16th

West Woods Elementary 16650 West 72nd Ave., Arvada, CO 80007 August 9th

Zerger Elementary 9050 Field Street, Westminster, CO 80021 August 9th-10th

Monday, June 19, 2006

Back-to-School Events

Back-to-school events are opportunities where information is obtained about the upcoming school year and your student's classroom. Education Outfitters is present at these events for you to pick up any school supply kits that have been ordered. During this time, Education Outfitters has additional supply kits for sale filled with all the necessary items your child needs for school. These kits are ready for your child to use on their first day of school. Remember, if you have already purchased a kit from Education Outfitters, they are available for you to pick up at the Back-to-School events. We hope to see you there!

Education Outfitters will be present at the Back-to-School events for the following schools:

Academy Elementary 11800 Lowell Blvd. Westminster, CO 80031 August 28th, 2006

Faith Christian Elementary 6210 Ward Road, Arvada, CO 80004 August 14th, 2006

Faith Christian Middle School 12189 West 64th Avenue, Arvada, CO 80004 August 14th, 2006

Holy Trinity School 3050 W. 76th Ave, Westminster, CO 80030 August 18th, 2006

Sts. Peter and Paul 3920 Pierce, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 August 20th, 2006

Thimmig Elementary 11453 Oswego Street, Henderson, CO 80601 August 15th, 2006

Friday, June 09, 2006

education outfitters :: search

Check it out, now you can search by any part of your school's name or address: