Education Outfitters :: Blog

This blog will give you the up-to-the-minute changes that we make to our website as well as new features that we add to continue to make your back-to-school shopping as convenient as possible.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Hear ye, hear ye...

Today is the deadline to purchase school supplies from Education Outfitters. If you try to purchase after 11:59 pm (PST) we will not be able to process your request.

If you have already purchased your school supply kit, please feel free to give us feedback: either through the comments link below, or on our main contact page.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

More Facts About Back-to-School Shopping

It's later than you think...

16.5% of parents begin back-to-school shopping at least two months before school starts.

41.9% begin three weeks to a month before school starts.

32.5% wait until one or two weeks before the start of school to begin back-to-school shopping.

Source: Rocky Mountain News, July 31, 2006, Page 4D