Education Outfitters :: Blog

This blog will give you the up-to-the-minute changes that we make to our website as well as new features that we add to continue to make your back-to-school shopping as convenient as possible.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

We've got answers to your questions...

Have you just purchased a school supply kit and have a question? Or do you have a couple of questions about our kits that you need answered while you "kick the tires?" Well, you could wade through our pre-fab questions over on our FAQ page, or you can post your question here (click on the link that says comments, below). We are part of the growing trend in making the web a little bit more personal, a little bit more friendly, and a little bit more organic...

We set up this blog first as an experiment, to see if anyone would stop by, and subsequently it's success has prompted us at Education Outfitters to use our official blog as sort of a "side door" to our main website. Here you can come and see up-to-date information about your school, your supply kits, and ultimately any information that will impact your child's school year. Please feel free to give us commentary on how we are doing, or if there is a new service or need that you forsee, drop us a line. We here at Education Outfitters want to create a community of well-informed, supportive parents that will protect our greatest asset: our kids.


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